Manzarene Dream…
Washington Phillips with his Manzarene, circa 1927-1929
This is Hannah, cutting in on Chris’s post because I have to say: there are not that many records that within the first few seconds of the first time of hearing them the hair on my arms stands straight up and I shout, “WHAT IS THIS!”. Washington Phillips is one of those artists for me. And I still feel that way every time I hear him and his sweet, special “Manzarene”. We will add some of his beautiful music to our playlist. He was a beautiful, beautiful soul and we are so very lucky that his music was recorded.
Hello! After sharing about Molly Drake last week, we wanted to share some other somewhat obscure music, although the record nerds probably went down this rabbit hole long ago.
I first heard Washington Phillips music from Hannah-I think she had a tape or cd and it blew my mind with its music box sweet gospel sound.
This is a nice little radio piece about him :)
It’s late at night as we write this, so we will leave you with that.
Check out his beautiful music, played on a pair of customized zithers that he combined to make his beautiful, heavenly music. His special instrument was named by him: “The Manzarene”. It’s magical!
GUESS WHAT?! Chris Lynch and the Dust of Suns
have made a new record, it’s called Ignes Fatui!
Hey I pulled some strings with the Dada Duende hardasses (Hannah & Luca) and they let me plug my gig.
This is a record release party at the Parkway in Minneapolis and we will play our pretty music, I will have some musical dioramas on display, Jacquelines twin is going to join us for a couple tunes, and you can stay and watch the film Amelie after we play-here is the record so you can know what songs to shout for ;)
Getting to know youuuuu, getting to know all about you...
Getting to know youuuuu, getting to know all about you...
This week’s artist introduction is a wonderful local Minneapolis poet and writer, Jeanne Lutz!
We are so grateful for Jeanne’s thoughtful contributions and here’s what Jeanne had to say when we asked her our usual 5 questions:
1. At what age did you decide, “I want to make art!” and what person, work or experience initially inspired you to pursue this course?
I knew I wanted to be a writer by the time I was four. My mom read to me and my brothers every night. The notion that tiny black shapes on paper could conjure up stories, images, and feelings was magic! To me, the written language is the best invention on the planet. I was simultaneously inspired and unnerved by Grimms' Fairy Tales. I wanted that response from my readers, too. I still secretly want that.
2. Easy one: what is/are your current favorite medium(s) to work in?
Easy answer: poetry
3. What are 3 records you would need to have with you on your desert island (to play on your coconut-powered portable record player)? *note: they are not your ONLY 3, that would be too hard to decide!
Poetic Champions Compose by Van Morrison, Ophelia by Natalie Merchant, and Love, Not Money by Everything but the Girl
4. If you could travel to anywhere in the world and stay there for a month or two without expense concerns, where would you go and why?
I’d go to London for the soul-satisfying eccentricity of it all: architecture, literature, humor, music, theatre, gothic grandeur, cultural diversity, and hidden gardens. The atmosphere remains utterly buzzing, thrilling, and cosmopolitan. People are easy to be around. London feels like home to me.
5. Are you a xenophile? What has your thinking been about this theme as you’ve worked with it?
Absolutely, I am a xenophile. I know that no society or culture is perfect—I see inequality everywhere, but I never tire of fresh perspectives or enriching experiences. After contemplating on this theme for a while, I realize that what I value most is making meaningful connections with kind and generous people who have a knack for happiness and a talent for loving life. Their geographical location, cultural cuisine, or melodic language may add charm, but for me, it comes down to people, people whose quality of awareness makes the universe sizzle and sing.
Folks, you can visit Jeanne HERE and check out her work and her book, Until The Kingdom Comes! Thank you so much, Jeanne!
We will be adding some of Jeanne’s desert Island songs to our play list!
We started a playlist of songs from record albums that our contributing artists would take to a desert island with them and songs that we Duende’s happen to be listening to…
please check it out and follow it—it will continue to grow!
We’ll put some Washington Phillips songs there for you, too. :-)
that’s it for this week!
as always we are grateful for your interest and support for this venture!